Sublimer Pro – Max for Live device

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Sublimer Pro

Make anything sound bigger, sharper, more open and refined with Sublimer Pro!

Sublimer Pro uses multiple cleverly-managed processes in order to produce the effect his free little brother is known for, which you can now dissecate and dial-in individually to nail the sweet-spot everytime.


Smart DSP - Sublimer Pro uses multiple cleverly-managed processes in order to sublime any source it's put on.

Smart DSP - Sublimer Pro - Max for Live device

Make anything sound bigger, sharper, more open and refined with Sublimer Pro!

This brand new Pro version offers independant Effect Amount controls for each processes alongside with a few advaced features and a global Dry/Wet contro allowing for even more versatility and precision to nail the sweet-spot everytime.


How to use Sublimer Pro?

Simply load the device on any track and use the various controls to dial in the different processes (Spread, Smile Lift, Drive), adjust the other settings if needed.


What does the Sublimer do to my sound?

Sublimer features a carefully-dosed blend of stereo widening (Spread), multiband compression alongside with unproportional subtle gain adjustments per band (Smile Lift), and parallel soft-clipping overdrive allowing to increase the presence, punch and openess of any source thanks to psychoacoustics and physics.


Requirements & Compatibility Notes:

To fully enjoy this device, you need at least Ableton Live Suite 10.x.

No third party plugins required.

If you have any questions you would like to ask before purchasing or any suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us.


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