How to share high quality stereo audio in a remote session

We’ll be using a free Zoom account, an audio interface with native loopback.


Loopback? Offering a copy of the main output as an input, alternatively you can do this virtually with some third party software. 

Follow the steps below:
Unfold step 2 & 3 to see the details

1 - Login to your Zoom account in your browser

Create a free one if needed.
Click on this tab to reach the Zoom login page.

2 - Enable stereo for users in your account

Reach the Settings page using the menu on the left, then scroll down at the bottom of the “In Meeting (Advanced) section to find “Allow users to select stereo audio in their client settings ” and make sure it is enabled. If not, turn on the switch (it should appear blue and not greyed out).

Click on this tab to open the Zoom account settings page.

3 - Zoom client settings for high quality stereo audio

If you don’t have it yet, download the Zoom client on the official website.

If you were logged in the client, please logout and log back in again so your settings menu can update (not needed if the stereo option was already turned on at step 2).

1- Click the cog icon on top right to open your Zoom client settings

2- Reach the “Audio” tab using the menu on the left,

3- At the bottom of this plage, click on the “Advanced” button,

4- In the advanced audio settings of the Zoom client:

  • Signal processing by the drivers: switch to “DISABLED
  • Echo suppression: Leave on Automatic (should be default setting)
  • Display the microphone “Enable origin sound” option in meeting : TURN THIS ON
  • When the origin sound is enabled:

– Disable echo suppression: TICK THIS ON

– HiRes Music Mode: TICK THIS ON

– Use Stereo Audio: TICK THIS ON

Close the Zoom client settings, congrats you are all done !

Additional notes

Loopback input

Do not use the “Share computer sound” feature, instead choose your loopback input as your microphone so that the settings apply to it.

Since you are now sharing your full main output to your attendees be careful.

To avoid any feedback: 

– ONLY unmute the Mic (which is the looback input) when ALL other attendees are MUTED.


– Route the Zoom output to another path that does not end in the loopback signal but that you can still monitor.

Zoom & Security

With its growth Zoom also became a target for a lot of people. Just make sure that you:

– Authorize only verified users to join,

– Add a password, 

– Lock the meeting once everyone is in.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.