Artist interview #2
Amy Lyhie
Q : Qui es-tu ? D'où viens-tu ? Et où vas-tu ?
A: I’m a French musician singer-songwriter and I started playing the guitar at 15 and singing at 21. Then I discovered music production and fell in love with it. I’m currently doing a 1 year course in an audio school to improve my skills in order to produce other artists. And I’d love to write for others and collaborate with musician from differents background!
Q : Qu'est-ce qui t'as mené à la production musicale ? Pourquoi aimes-tu ça ?
A: I’m not very talkative and it’s always been easier for me to use music to express myself. As a teenager, when I started playing guitar, I started writing and composing songs because I needed an outlet, and it helped me a lot.
I also discovered the feeling you get when you create something from scratch, it’s like magic, and it feels so good… and I’m definitely addicted to it!
Q : Depuis combien de temps produis-tu ? Et quelles sont les composantes principales de ton setup ?
R : For about 5 years now. My first attempts weren’t really good, but I worked on it to develop my craft and sound. It has only been a couple of years that I’m more happy with what I’m doing.
R : My acoustic guitar, a microphone (SM58 for now, but I plan on buying a Slate ML2), an iMac, audio interface Scarlett 2i2, a DI box (passive) and depending of what I’m doing, ProTools (for recording audio), Ableton Live or Logic Pro X (for beat making and creation)
Q : Comment approches-tu les côtés plus techniques liés à la production, comme le mixage ?
R : I’m still struggling with the technical aspect, so I’m working with a tech that takes care of this side for me. But I want to get better at it because I think that it’s an important part of the creative process, so I’m working on it as much as I can.
Q : Quelle est ta dernière sortie ? As-tu des nouveaux projets en cours ?
R : In June (2020), I officially released an album of 20 tracks, in a pop folk guitar vibe, called The Sunshine LP. It’s my first album and I discovered music production through it.
Aside, I’m currently working on a second album, which is going to be pretty different from the first one. With the experience that I have now, I experiment with different things and I have paid more attention to the recording and arranging parts. I’m really excited to share it next year!
Q : Souhaites-tu partager autre chose ? Des conseils pour les personnes débutant en production musicale ?
R : Be gentle with yourself, don’t compare too much to others, and BE PATIENT ! Take the time it takes to find your own sound, polish your arrangements, ask for feedbacks and prepare your releases.
But the most important thing is : DON’T GIVE UP! You’re gonna make mistakes and fail, but it’s ok, this is how you get better.
Q : Quel est ton "coup de cœur" musical du moment ?
R : that’s a tough question ^^ I don’t think I have one in particular these days, but if I had to chose it will probably be a Tash Sultana song. That girl is so amazing…